Mental health app regulation prompts new trade body

Funding for mental health app regulation prompts new trade body
  • Getting app regulation right: encouraging digital innovation
  • Wednesday 25th January 2023 at 10am [Zoom]

The announcement of a £1.8m project by NICE1 and MHRA2 to review the regulation of mental health and wellbeing apps has prompted plans for a new trade body for developers of such apps, with an online launch meeting planned for 25th January 2023 at 10am.

Behind the project is Chris Whitehouse, Director of MedTech Policy at sector specialist, Whitehouse Communications, who says:

‘It’s very early days, but already we’re in touch with MHRA and NICE, and the DHSC’s3 MedTech Directorate, to discuss how best we can facilitate the engagement of responsible app providers in this important regulatory review, as we have done for other groups of specialist product suppliers in the past. 

‘We hope to position the new network as a constructive forum for discussion between regulators and the sector.’

Dr Adam Carey BSc, MA, MB, BChir, MRCOG, NTCC, Chief Executive of Corperformance, will chair the meeting, and adds:

‘Digital innovation in healthcare can bring great benefits at minimal cost, and make a real difference to the quality of life of millions of people. It’s vital we get regulation right: protecting patients, whilst encouraging the development and delivery of exciting, innovative and effective new apps through a proportionate approach.’

The funding for the regulatory review is being provided by Wellcome, whose Director of Mental Health Dr Miranda Wolpert, said at the time of its announcement in October:

‘At Wellcome, we support the development of new and improved interventions for mental health, which includes digital interventions. One of the ways that we can encourage the development of tools that genuinely help and support as many people as possible will be through risk-appropriate guidance and regulation.

‘The MHRA will be engaging with and learning from people with lived experience of mental health conditions, helping to ensure that that the regulation is at the right level, relevant and robust.’

Minister for Mental Health at the time, Dr Caroline Johnson, also said:

‘Digital mental health tools can be incredibly useful to help build resilience and prevent problems worsening, but it’s crucial these are regulated properly.

‘This funding will help us to better understand these products and give us the tools to make sure everyone who uses them has access to safe, effective support.’

App developers wanting to attend the meeting should contact Chris Whitehouse at


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