Urology Trade Association
NHS Reform: Priorities for the urology sector
Tuesday 14th September, 10:00am – Zoom
Whitehouse Communications, on behalf of the Urology Trade Association, is hosting a webinar panel discussion on the priorities for the urology sector within the context of an evolving NHS, to mark Urology Awareness Month.
The coronavirus pandemic has placed unprecedented demand on the National Health Service and has accelerated calls for significant structural and legislative reform. Back in February, the government set out proposals for a new Health and Care Bill to bring forward reforms in social care, public health and mental health.
Discussions will take place on specific aspects of the Bill most relevant to the sector, and will set out why ill-advised policy decisions could place patients at adverse risk.
The panel
The discussion will be chaired by Ruth Jones MP, member of the APPG for Bladder and Bowel Continence Care and Shadow Minister for Natural Environment and Air Quality.
The event will hear from:
- Tim O’Brien, Consultant Urological Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital and President of the British Association of Urological Surgeons
- Louise de Winter, Chief Executive of The Urology Foundation
- Hannah Gagen, Head of Government Affairs & Patient Advocacy, Coloplast; UTA Member
You can register for this event by clicking here.
Political consultants
The Whitehouse Communications team are experts in providing public affairs, consultancy advice and political analysis to a wide range of clients engaging with health and social care providers and policy makers, not only in the United Kingdom, but also across the member states of the European Union and beyond. For more information, please contact our Chairman and Director of Health and Social Care Policy, Chris Whitehouse, at chris.whitehouse@whitehousecomms.com.
More articles on health, social care and public service reform are here.