Securing a place for digital radio in EU level discussions on the future of digital policy.
WorldDAB is the global forum for the promotion of digital radio DAB/DAB+. Whitehouse supported WorldDAB in achieving their objective to push for the adoption of DAB / DAB + networks and services across Europe. In mid-2016, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a European Electronic Communications Code. WorldDAB’s aim was to secure a key set of amendments to ensure that radios sold across the EU would need to have both analogue and digital capability.
Our strategy & Outcomes
Whitehouse’s strategy focused on influencing the European Parliament report on the Commission proposal as well as discussions in the Council between the Member States of the EU. The main goal of our strategy was to generate support for digital radio through the promotion of a better understanding of its benefits amongst key policymakers. Whitehouse worked with WorldDAB to develop clear, concise and evidence-based messaging to educate political stakeholders about digital radio and its benefits, and the need for harmonisation at EU level to avoid market fragmentation. With this successful narrative, we engaged with key stakeholders to secure a satisfactory compromise for the amendments that was crucial for the digital radio sector and for WorldDAB’s objectives and interests. The key amendments were successfully adopted, and the Directive is now in its implementation phase at Member States level, which Whitehouse is overseeing and influencing on behalf of WorldDAB.
Whitehouse surpassed all our expectations. When we started working with the Whitehouse team, we were just hoping for a mention in the Digital Single Market Strategy. We have ended up with a Directive that mandates that all new car radios in the EU should be capable of receiving digital terrestrial radio. A great accomplishment – and one we would not have achieved without the Whitehouse guidance and support.