Local TV Network (LTVN): A Case Study in Successful Public Affairs


The Local TV Network (LTVN) is the industry body for local digital television programme services. Local TV brings public service content to millions of homes in towns and cities across the UK.

The LTVN approached Whitehouse expressing concerns that licences for all 34 local TV broadcast stations were due to expire in 2025, and asking for support with creating and implementing a public affairs strategy ahead of a government consultation on renewal or relicensing of individual local TV services.

With significant policy and regulatory uncertainty for the sector, the LTVN was looking to engage directly with government, parliamentarians, and the regulator, Ofcom, to protect and promote the interests of the local TV sector.

Our public affairs strategy

Whitehouse developed a compelling and informative narrative, which set out the importance of local TV and its fundamental role within the wider media ecosystem. Through tailored and targeted political engagement, Whitehouse secured a bank of key supporters within parliament, government, and across the industry, who were willing to champion the importance of the sector.

A key part of our campaign included the successful launch of an industry report and delivery of a local TV parliamentary reception on the 28th of March, where Whitehouse secured over 100 attendees for the event, including dozens of key parliamentarians and influential representatives from Ofcom and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS). Through this engagement, we advanced our campaign and boosted the profile of the sector amongst political stakeholders ahead of the government consultation.

In order to strengthen political engagement, Whitehouse also implemented a thought leadership strategy to disseminate our key messages about local TV in the media. This included the publication of an op-ed by Andy Carter MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Media, on the importance of local TV which was published in a leading UK political title.


As a direct result of our successful engagement both at government and parliamentary level, Whitehouse secured conditional licence renewal as the government’s preferred option in June 2023. Our strong relationships with influential MPs, key parliamentarians and civil servants, as well as our successful thought leadership strategy, also led to stakeholders proactively promoting local TV and seeking LTVN’s views on the future of the industry.

LTVN were also invited by Media Minister, Stephanie Peacock, to join a special forum to advise her on the future of UK television.



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