Using a political networking event to showcase the Labour party’s children and education policies.
In the run-up to the 2019 general election, there was considerable interest in the policies that a Labour Government under Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister, would pursue. Labour’s Shadow Schools Minister, Mike Kane MP, and its Shadow Children and Families Minister, Emma Lewell-Buck MP, were keen to have a platform to promote, explain and advocate their policies.
Our strategy
Whitehouse’s approach to this brief was to use all its event management and political networking skills to ensure that the agenda delivered the right structure for the evening, the audience represented a wide range of the political and educational policy community, and that the occasion featured both a formal session and an informal networking opportunity over drinks and light refreshments. We worked to ensure that follow-up to the event was focussed and thorough, to ensure that information was effectively exchanged and that those attending derived maximum value from their participation.
As a result of the Whitehouse Team’s work, the Labour spokespersons were able to promote to their audience a comprehensive vision for policy on children and their education, to position themselves as credible partners in the a dialogue to improve life-chances, and to establish a network of useful and influential contacts in the sector. Further information about the event can be found here.
A great event, Whitehouse Team, thanks for organising it and for ensuring it was so informative and worthwhile for those attending.