Trademark to help identify safe sports nutrition approved in Europe

A European trademark to help the public identify sports nutrition products belonging to companies that are members of top Whitehouse client the European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA) has been approved by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

ESSNA is the voice of the responsible sports nutrition industry and its members sign up to its strict Code of Conduct, emphasising their commitment to quality and consumer safety and making a promise to the consumer that they uphold the laws put in place for their protection. Its secretariat, provided by the Whitehouse team, has produced a trademark intended to act as a guide for a largely unaware public to help them differentiate between products that may be misleading them and/or breaking the law, and those that are members of ESSNA and sign up to its Code.

The trademark is part of the association’s European-wide campaign to educate the public on all things sports nutrition and ensure consumer safety and good health. This is in response to widespread common misconceptions around the industry and its products, and a handful of companies that operate outside the law and prey on the public’s perceived lack of knowledge.
