The Daily Post reports that Health Minister Mark Drakeford has revealed all staff in the NHS in Wales will be paid at least the living wage of £7.65 an hour.
The guarantee – above the national Minimum Wage of £6.31 – will come into force from September under a wider pay policy across the health service.
Meanwhile, there will be no pay rise for senior NHS managers in 2014-15 under austerity measures, as the minister said: “Those with the broadest shoulders must bear their share of the burden.”
Hospital consultants on the top of their grades would receive a 1% rise, while others would get any incremental rise due. The same applied to speciality doctors, dentists and doctors in training.
The announcement hands about 2,400 of the lowest paid staff in the Welsh NHS an increase in their basic salary of up to £470. The Living Wage Commission called for all public sector workers to be paid a living wage of at least £7.65 per hour.