Robert Francis to join Care Quality Commission

The CQC will announce the appointment to its board of Robert Francis as a Non-Executive Director, the Health Service Journal reveals. Mr Francis led the review into the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust, which led to an overhaul of the CQC’s approach to inspections. Commenting on his appointment he said: “I hope to make a positive contribution to the work of CQC, supporting its current direction of travel and representing its work and its continuing development as a role model of transparency and openness.”

Mr Francis continues to practice as a barrister in the field of medical law, as well as being the honorary President of the Patients Association and a trustee and patron of various health charities.

Meanwhile, Paul Rew, Non-Executive Director at the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Met Office and Northumbrian Water has also been appointed as a CQC Non-Executive and Chair of the audit and risk committee.

Both appointments are for a term of three years.