Subject content has been published by Government, or is being developed for most of the most popular subjects.Ofqual’s proposals cover the remaining subjects, so as to bring them into line with those already being reformed. Ofqual is making proposals about how subject content should be reviewed, and stating the standards it expects for subjects to continue.The consultation proposes:

  • Requiring core content for any subject in which a GCSE, A level or AS qualification is developed
  • Allowing exam boards to develop core subject content collaboratively through a regulatory framework
  • Setting out how we will judge in advance which remaining or new subject areas can be developed undertheGCSE, A level or AS qualification brands. They will have to:
    • Meet the qualification objective
    • Allow performance to be differentiated using a full grading scale
    • Be set at an appropriate level of demand
    • Allow for valid assessment
    • Be easily distinguished from other GCSE/A level subjects
  • Introducing a cut-off date of summer 2018 for the last award of all ‘unreformed’ qualifications; and
  • Removing any qualifications now that are unlikely to meet our regulatory expectations in the future.

Olly from PSI: This consultation is a continuation of the Government’s agenda to streamline school qualifications and make GCSE and A-levels more robust by removing what it deems to to be superfluous and/or undervalued courses.  The Government has already consulted on the policy, while Ofqual is essentially consulting on the practical details.