Whitehouse Consultancy launches new public service information website

The Whitehouse Consultancy has launched a new free-access online service providing a digest of public service information and news.

The agency’s new Public Service Information website will provide daily news updates and analysis of developments in public policy, also summarising news stories from the national and specialist press.

The website, which will be found at www.publicserviceinfo.co.uk and tweet using the handle @PublicService_i, is intended to serve individuals, charities, associations and businesses with interests in public policy.

Chris Whitehouse, Managing Director of the Whitehouse Consultancy, said:

“Our goal is to pull together the vast amount of information that exists and offer a single easy to access forum for information on what is going on the public sector and expert analysis on its significance.

“Understanding what is going on is critical to any involvement in the political process, and reforms to public services make it more important than ever for organisations and individuals to be aware of the environment they’re operating in. This website is a tool to help make sure such organisations are informed and understand public policy, which in turn will help them to be more engaged, identify opportunities or recognise and protect themselves from potential threats.”



For further information or comment from Chris Whitehouse, please contact Mayar Raouf (020 7463 0698 / Mayar.Raouf@whitehousecomms.com) or Chris Rogers (020 7793 2536 / 07720 054189 / Chris.Rogers@whitehousecomms.com).