Crisis comms: how to cut through the noise – Highlights

The Whitehouse Consultancy recently hosted a crisis communications webinar with a panel of experts in journalism, communications and health. Designed to support businesses in this uncertain time, the webinar welcomed an esteemed panel, comprised of Isabella Sharp, Deputy Managing Director at the Whitehouse Consultancy, Nick Carding, senior journalist at the Health Service Journal and Jessie Lau, freelance journalist and researcher. Please find a short highlights video below to give you a flavour of what it takes to cut through the noise and recover from a crisis.


Our next webinar, ‘How Trade Associations Help Your Campaign’, will be held on 9th of June at 10.30am. Join us to discuss how trade associations can boost your campaign!

The Whitehouse team are experts in the impact of global crises, providing crisis communications, risk management and public affairs advice to a wide range of clients, not only in the United Kingdom, but also across the member states of the European Union. For more information, please contact our Chair, Chris Whitehouse, at